About CORE

“CORE - finding your centre through Fitness, Nutrition + Belief.”


The purpose of this website is to share experiences. Mistakes made, but lessons learnt. Information and How-To’s to help educate when you don’t know where to start, or where to look. But most importantly it’s for growth.



Hey, I’m Gabri(Ella).

I am a qualified Level 2 Fitness Instructor &

Level 3 Personal Trainer with 5+ years experience in Health + Fitness.

In my spare time I study Nutrition, CBT Therapy & Mindfulness to help my clients grow and achieve mentally.

I work privately within the fitness industry providing my clients with the best journey possible.

I provide Personal Training + Wellness sessions both online and in a private studio.

(email me to find out more)

Most Worked In Areas

Sport + Athletic Training

Strength Training

50+ Exercise Movement

Child + Adolescent Training

Educational Exercise Training

Flexibility + Mobility

Pre + Post Natal (upon request)

“Like so many, I’ve been through some SH*T! But the lessons I’ve learnt and the growth I’ve experienced are now priceless to me.”


CORE Vision

I acknowledge life can be challenging at times, and that it can be easy to let everything else take first priority. However, letting your personal mental health and wellbeing slip to the bottom of that pile just isn’t good enough anymore… but its okay, that’s why I'm here to help!   

Most people workout because they feel as though they have to. That its just the done thing to walk or run on a treadmill for half an hour and be wishing the time to pass as you do it! But what about the idea of moving for ENJOYMENT??

The ability to move your body should be seen as a gift. And what happens when you receive a gift? You’re grateful, sometimes overwhelmed by the experience, and you move on to cherish it. The relationship with our physical journey should be no different. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do. Not a punishment for what you ate.

~ Getting in shape isn’t just about hitting the gym anymore. It’s about healing overwhelmed minds and feeding our souls wholesome nourishment. ~

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