Full Body Kettle Bell Workout


Kettlebells are a great tool for strength training. For many exercises they're totally interchangeable for dumbbells or other weights. But for some weighted moves, especially ones that require an ‘explosive’ movement, kettlebells reign supreme for their added ease.

Kettlebell Exercises

1 — Squats

Ah, the trusty squat. It's one of the best ways to work your butt, quads, and hamstrings. Adding a kettlebell increases the resistance your body has to work against to stand back up, challenging your muscles even more. In addition, holding the kettlebell close to your chest helps you nail proper form. Sims suggests squatting deeply because "it's more functional," she explains. "When you pick up heavy grocery bags, you should squat down like this so you don't hurt your back."

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly, gripping the sides of the kettlebell handle with both hands at chest height.

  • Bend at your knees and hips to move into a deep squat, bringing your butt down past your knees.

  • Drive through your heels to return to standing.

2 — Deadlifts

Deadlifts are amazing for your butt and the backs of your legs. They also secretly challenge your core, since you have to keep your abs tight to avoid arching your back. Sims says to choose a heavier weight with a deadlift—since you're not bending your elbows at all, you're mostly using your glutes, which are likely the strongest muscles in your body.

  • Hold a kettlebell in front of your thighs with both hands, palms facing in.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.

  • Hinge at your hips and push your butt back as you lower your torso and the weight toward the ground.

  • Keep your back flat and shoulders back. Your torso should be almost parallel to the floor at the bottom of the movement.

  • Keeping your core tight, push through your heels to stand up straight. Keep arms straight as you lift the weight back to start.

  • Pause at the top and squeeze your butt.

3 — Suitcase lunges

This move works the legs again and butt, once again. "Make sure that you don’t let the kettlebells swing, keep them stable by your side like actual suitcases," Sims says. When they start swinging, the momentum can start to get out of your control and strain your back, she says.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Keep your arms by your sides and hold a kettlebell in each hand.

  • Take a big step forward. Lower your body down, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and core engaged throughout.

  • Push through your heels, putting most of the weight on the back foot, to return to the starting position.

4 — Sit-Ups to Press

Adding weight to a sit-up adds an extra challenge for your core, and the press at the top works your shoulders and arms, too. For these sit-ups, Sims says you can either keep your knees bent or put them in butterfly position, depending on what feels comfortable for your hips.

  • Start in a sit-up position, lying on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor.

  • Hold a kettlebell with both hands at your chest, gripping the ball.

  • As you roll up to perform a sit-up, push the weight out. Press it all the way up overhead when you reach the top of the sit-up.

  • Bring the weight back to your chest and roll back down to start.

5 — Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are great for your butt, legs, and lower back, Sims says. You can probably go heavy here, but she suggests nailing the technique with a lighter kettlebell before adding too much weight. To perform a swing with proper form, you have to "thrust your hips aggressively to get the kettlebell up, don't use your arms," Sims explains. And don't forget to squeeze your butt at the top!

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, gripping the top of the kettlebell handle with both hands.

  • Bend your knees slightly, then hinge forward at the hips to swing the kettlebell between your legs.

  • Stand back up; use the momentum from your hips to swing the weight to chest height.

6 — Sumo Deadlifts With High Pull

Your form here should be similar to a traditional deadlift, except your legs should be wider than shoulder-width distance and your feet should be turned out a bit. You might need to go lighter here than with a traditional deadlift, because you're adding the arm work into it.

  • Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and toes angled out. (The more you turn your legs out, the more this move will work your inner thighs.)

  • Hold a kettlebell by the handles with both hands, palms facing in.

  • Hinge at your hips and bend your knees to lower your body and the weight. Push your butt far back and keep your back flat. Your torso should be almost parallel to the floor.

  • Keeping your core tight, push through your heels to stand up straight. As you stand, bend at the elbows to pull the weight up toward your face.

  • Pause at the top and squeeze your butt.

7 — Hand to Hand Swings

"Use the same exact form and setup as regular swings. The only difference is you only have one hand on the kettlebell and switch hands at the top," Sims explains. Switching to one-handed swings isolates one side at a time, which makes it harder and helps improve stability. You'll probably need to use a lighter weight than with a regular swing, since you're only using one arm.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, gripping the top of the kettlebell handle with one hand.

  • Bend your knees slightly, then hinge forward at the hips to swing the kettlebell between your legs.

  • Stand back up as you swing the weight to chest height. At the top of the swing, switch the kettlebell to the other hand.

  • Continue swings, alternating sides.

8 — Push Presses

This move mostly works your arms, but also involves the calves, hamstrings, and glutes. Sims notes that the bend in your legs shouldn't be a full squat, just "a 2-inch dip." Try to keep the dip and press all in one fluid motion—the leg movement will help make the press go smoothly.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp a kettlebell in each hand, palms facing out, arms bent so the weights are resting at each shoulder.

  • Bend your knees just a few inches, and as you stand back up, press the weights straight up overhead.

  • Bring the weights back to your shoulders, bend your knees, and repeat.

9 — Triceps Presses

Sims says that many people have weak triceps, so you may need to go lighter here than with the push presses. To protect your lower back and make sure you're using your triceps, don't arch your back, Sims instructs.The key here is to straighten your arm completely at the top—that'll let you work the triceps through a full range of motion.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

  • Grip the kettlebell by the ball at the base of the handle with both hands and raise it directly overhead.

  • Keeping your elbows close to your ears, lower the kettlebell behind your head to neck level. Pause, then straighten your arms to raise the kettlebell overhead.

10 — Bent-Over Rows

A bent-over row works your triceps, back, and chest. Sims notes that the movement should be slow and controlled, "not like you're starting a lawn mower," to really feel the exercise in your back and arms—and avoid straining your back. "Also, make sure to look down at the floor because if you look up you will hurt your neck," Sims adds.

  • Start in a lunge, with your left leg out a few feet in front of the right.

  • Hinge at the hips to bend forward, keeping your back flat.

  • Make sure your shoulders and hips are square with the floor.

  • Hold the kettlebell handle in your right hand with your arm hanging straight at your side. Rest your left arm on your left knee.

  • Lift the kettlebell to your rib cage, engaging your back as you pull. Pause and lower it back down.

11 — Flutter Kicks

Holding a kettlebell above your head at the top of a crunch challenges your core and lower abs—so does the flutter motion of your legs. Start with the weight above your shoulders, and to make it more difficult, bring it a little behind your head, Sims says. Make sure to keep your core super tight and lower back flat on the ground.

  • Lie on your back and hold a kettlebell in both hands by the bell. Hold the weight straight above your shoulders.

  • Lift your shoulders and upper torso off the ground.

  • Raise your legs a few inches off the ground and flutter kick your feet.

  • If your back comes off the ground, or you feel any strain, bring your legs up a couple more inches.

12 — Box Step-Ups

A step-up works your quads and your butt, and it's also great for your core. "When you're stepping up and only using one leg, there's some instability," Sims explains. You need to use your abs to keep your body stable. For this move, you'll want to use a step, chair, or bench that enables your knee to bend 90 degrees when you step on it.

  • Stand in front of a box or step, holding a kettlebell by the handle with both hands at your chest.

  • Step up with your left foot and drive your right knee up toward your chest.

  • Step your right foot back to the starting position, and then your left.

  • Repeat the movement starting with the right leg.


CORE Workout


How-To: Bench Press