7 Exercises to Build a Stronger Core

Strengthening your core is something that should be at the top of your to do list. When it comes to training your core, don't just think sit-ups and crunches. Our abdomen is the foundation we use to help build up the rest of our physique.

Here are some key core strengthening exercises I use to help build and maintain strength and aid me in performing better in other areas of my training:

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  • How to do it:

  • Rest your forearms on the floor, with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and hands facing forward so that your arms are parallel.

  • Extend your legs out behind you and rest your toes on the floor. Your body should form one straight line from your shoulders to your heels.

  • Squeeze your entire core, your glutes, and your quads, and tuck your butt under a little to keep your lower back straight. Make sure you are not dropping your hips or hiking your butt up high toward the ceiling.

  • Position your head so that your neck is in a neutral position and your gaze is on your hands.

  • Hold this position.

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Panther Shoulder Tap

  • How to do it:

  • Start on all fours.

  • Engage your core and while keeping your back flat and your butt down (like you're in a plank), lift your knees off the floor about 1-3 inches. Gaze at the floor a few inches in front of your hands to keep your neck in a comfortable position.

  • Tap your right hand to your left shoulder, and then your left hand to your right shoulder, while using your core strength to keep your hips as still as you can.

  • Continue alternating sides.

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Leg Raise

  • How to do it:

  • Lie face up with your legs extended and hands at your sides or tucked underneath your hips for extra support.

  • Slowly raise your legs, keeping them together and as straight as possible, until the soles of your shoes are facing the ceiling.

  • Then, slowly lower your legs back down. Don’t let your feet touch the floor; instead, keep them hovering a few inches off. That's 1 rep.

  • As you do this move, make sure to keep your lower back flat on the floor. If you're having a tough time doing that, don't lower your legs as far.

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Side Plank

  • How to do it:

  • Get into the side plank position with your supporting arm straight, one foot against the toes of the other (one in front of the other). Keep your legs straight and in a straight line from head to your feet.

  • Raise the upper hand and point the fingers to the ceiling. Slowly rotate your body so that your high arm (while remaining straight) can come down and touch the floor next to the supporting hand. Return to the starting position for one repetition.

  • When this feels easy, hold a dumbbell in the high hand. It is important to maintain planklike straightness along your spine and legs. Don’t sag or stick your butt in the air as you rotate about the shoulder. Shoot for six perfect reps on each side.

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Standing Cable Wood-chop

  • How to do it:

  • Position your body so that the cable movement will be downward and across the body—like a tree-chopping action. Position the feet comfortably apart and grasp the cable handle with both hands above one shoulder.

  • Swing the clasped handle downward and across the body until it passes the opposite thigh. Your hips and knees can rotate slightly, and you can also pivot from your ankle.

  • At the end position, allow the cable weight to retract the handle to the starting position.

  • Do 8 to 10 repetitions then reverse your stance by facing the other way and repeat the exercise on the other side of the body.

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  • How to do it:

  • Allow your shoulders and lower back to fall heavy to the floor.

  • Draw your shoulders down away from your ears. To get into the starting position, lift your hands so your elbows are above your shoulders with your fists facing in toward each other.

  • Lift your legs so your knees are directly over your hips.

  • On an exhale, slowly lower your right arm and left leg until they’re just above the floor.

  • On an inhale, bring them back to the starting position.

  • Repeat on the opposite side. This equals 1 rep.

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Walkout Planks

  • How to do it:

  • Start in a high plank position, with arms standing straight inline with your shoulders.

  • Squeezing your core, slowly start to walk your arms backwards in the direction of your legs.

  • When you reach the point when you can’t progress without starting to bend your legs, change direction and start to walk out until returned to starting position. Walking in + out equals 1 rep.


How-To: Deadlift
