Here we’re going to quickly discuss 3 different types of Whey Protein and some of their key benefits .

What is Whey you ask? Here’s a little background info:

Much of the protein found in protein bars, drinks and powders is derived from milk. When milk is processed to form cheese or yogurt, the remaining liquid is called whey. This liquid contains the fast-digesting proteins commonly referred to as Whey Protein.

Before processing, about 20% of the protein in milk is whey and the other 80% is made up of the slower-digesting Casein proteins. Whey and casein are both considered high-quality proteins because they contain all the amino acids needed by your body. However, whey is considered particularly beneficial for increasing the production of new protein in your muscles.

3 Types of Whey Protein —

Whey Protein Concentrate:

  • Most expensive

  • Higher in fat + carbs

  • Whey protein concentrate is on average around 70-80% protein content.

  • May be most beneficial for immunity

  • The go-to for many - It provides your body with convenient, high-quality protein, which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass

Whey Protein Isolate:

  • Whey isolate is a form of protein that’s been highly refined for purity — resulting in a high protein content

  • Lower in fat + carbs

  • Whey protein isolate usually provides around 90% protein content

  • Better for lactose intolerant

  • Whey Isolate is a great support for all training goals, whether that’s beating a personal best or just trying to tone-up

  • *this variant is a personal go-to as it holds the lowest fat + carb content

Whey Protein Hydrolysate:

  • Digests the quickest - created in a unique way that can speed up its absorption into your body — while keeping the essential amino acids intact

  • Whey protein hydrolysate usually provides around 80% protein content

  • Contributes to the growth and maintenance of lean muscle mass

  • May be best option for high level athletes


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