

Here for a good time not a long time….

…well… why not be here for both?

For some reason when people use this phrase, it can really bug me! And before you ask ‘why?’… I don’t fully have an answer.

I think it’s to do with the idea of people (mostly ‘youth’), living their lives to the ‘fullest’ (whatever that may be), without thinking about the impact or consequences those ‘good time’ decisions could have on their future.

When you were younger… what did you want to be? What were your dreams? Where did you think life would take you?

I wanted to be many things when I was younger. Some days I still do. How many of us actually chase our dreams? Our visions? Our true potential? Take that childlike leap of faith?

What’s the difference between children and adults?

Children aren’t afraid of failure. A child will see an obstacle and treat it as nothing more than that. Whether they have to run, jump or climb they’ll get what they want or almost die trying. Without shame, and without fear.

So why, as adults, when obstacles show up stopping us from reaching our dreams do we just back down…? Retrace our steps to safety. Rarely going in search of another route or path.

Every time we put ourselves in a new situation, it is a new chance for our minds to talk us out of it. There is so much negativity in the world that our brains simply follow the trend and we end up projecting it back onto ourselves. And it can be horrible. To the point where you exhaust yourself so much, that you drop the sparks about a new idea and stick to the old one because that’s the only option your mind will accept. 

I often describe myself as a ‘potentialist’. Someone who can see a probable budding in things to grow and develop in everything and everyone. And because of this, one of my biggest pet hates in this world is wasted potential.

Imagine how much hidden potential has been wasted over time simply because our head said ‘No!’. So many lives (both physical + mental), dreams, aspirations, grand opportunities, the chance to discover our best selves and grow exponentially, all lost because we don’t believe in ourselves. Our capabilities. Our strengths.

As adults we should stop worrying about other people understanding us as individuals. Get in touch with yourself instead. Focus on what makes you happy, what makes your soul feel at peace. You are your biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability, your everything. Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are just simply yourself. The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not so why not make this next trip around the sun about you…?

Sometimes you just need to start doing all the things you said you were going to do. Before there was fear. Before there was doubt. Before there was worry. Sometimes the brief moment of bravery that allowed you to believe your dreams are actually possible, needs to be enough for you to actually start chasing them. Stop holding back on life because you fear failure. Failure isn’t losing, it’s gaining experience. Failure isn’t the end, it’s redirection. Start living, even if it means failing.

It is important you know who you are, what you stand for and how you want to see yourself. You have your whole life before you, and you get to determine what you do with it and how you will experience your journey. There is no one who can tell you who you are, because you decide for yourself. You make your own choices, you choose your own direction and you determine your own steps.

Think about who you are, think about how you position yourself against others. Think of your qualities and your intentions. See yourself as the person you want to be, without thinking about your status, your score, your ability or the people around you. Nothing and nobody should affect who you are in your actions.

The life you have is for you. It’s your chance to follow your dreams, to discover, to develop and to enjoy yourself. Imagine a life in which you are completely yourself, in which you fulfil your dreams.

Adult life is a beautiful, transformative journey filled with endless possibilities. By prioritizing your overall well-being, embracing self-care, fostering healthy relationships, and nurturing personal growth, you can navigate this phase of life with grace and resilience. Remember, your well-being is a lifelong commitment, so make conscious choices that support your physical, mental, and emotional health. Embrace the challenges and joys of adult life while cherishing every step of the journey.

Live your life with childlike faith in this adult world.

*you have to be happy with your own house (body/mind) in order to give happiness to others.


Nurturing Your Well-Being: Thriving in Adult Life


Lunch Ideas: Mediterranean Couscous