Exercise - Daily Enjoyment or Daily Burden?

“Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do. Not a punishment for what you ate!”

Why Do We Need Exercise?

When we think about exercise, the majority of our minds fleet to the images of treadmills and doing moves we don’t like. It feels hard, you’re uncomfortable, and sometimes you feel like there’s little reward for the hard work you’ve put in.

So why do we need exercise? Why do people say it’s so important?

From a more anatomical perspective, exercise is important for our cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It is also important for our bone and muscular strength. Our bodies cannot easily survive without these functions being in 100% working order. Letting our maintenance levels drop, can lead to many health problems; these are but a few:

  • Obesity

  • Heart disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

Regular Exercise helps in the maintenance of weight control. Combats health conditions + diseases. Helps improve our mental health and moods. Boosts our energy. Promotes better sleep. And so much more!

Daily Enjoyment or Daily Burden?

Now we know why exercise is physically important, so why does it sometimes feel like such a burden?

Here’s some self-thought:

Do I have enough time in my everyday life?

What are my reasons for exercising / are they healthy?

Have I set realistic goals?

Am I doing this to keep up with trends?

Do I enjoy the exercises I do?

Do I like and agree with the health plan I’m following?

Am I using this to run away from other problems I’m facing?

The listed above are just some key examples of why exercising can become more of a burden than a benefit. Sometimes we put too much pressure on things like exercise to help make us feel better. But like with so many things, unless the intentions are pure, not much good will grow from it. Exercise is a celebration of what our bodies can do. Not a punishment!

We live in a world where things can be achieved in an instant. The tap of an icon, the click of a button, same day delivery, next day delivery, things on demand! No wonder we become disappointed and disheartened when a change isn’t instantly visible.

When trying to make a physical / lifestyle change, there is always a process. But a true work of art has always taken time. You just have to TRUST that change will come.

Because there is a process with any form of change, the most important thing to focus on from this point onward is enjoying the journey! I cannot stress enough the importance this role plays. Why would we place a priority on anything in our lives that doesn’t bring us a form of happiness or enjoyment?

How do we put a positive spin on something that can have a negative impact?

Do it for the right reasons - do it for yourself, for your health, for your own growth.

Set realistic goals - a goal can start small and grow as you do.

Prioritise and dedicate time - the NHS suggests a minimum of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity a week for adults. In the grand scheme of daily life, that isn’t a huge amount. And time can always be found for the things that are important.

Find a health plan that works for you - whether you’re buying one online or hiring a professional. What works for some may not work for you.

Find + do exercises that you enjoy! If you don’t like running, then don’t run just because it’s what others do! Try dancing instead. There is so much out there, you just have to be willing to try and maybe fail till you find what helps you grow.

Don’t use it as a hiding place - as easy as it may be (and I know how easy it is), running away from problems has never fixed anything. Yeah they may not bother you as much, but they’ll always be there. Just like a dirty plate left on the side. Unless you acknowledge it and wash it, it’ll happily stay there forever letting the dirt and mould slowly take over. Nothing good can grow from that. And if it’s not helping you grow or making you a better person, then it shouldn’t have a place in your life.

When trying to make any change, Be Clear, Be Confident and Don’t Overthink It. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve whether you like it or not. So just take it a day at a time. Make it feel right for right now. And trust the process.  


Be Clear, Be Confident and Don’t Overthink It.”


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