Favourite Summer Breakfast in 4 Steps

I always connect fresh eating with spring and summer, as that’s when things are most in season. I love nothing more than to enjoy a fresh bowl of food on a warm sunny day. Here is one of my favourite Go-To’s on a morning that is hassle free and super quick to make.

Is Breakfast Important?

In some opinions no, but in my opinion YES YES YES! I think a balanced breakfast is always a good way to start any day. When you think about it, your body has fasted through the night for a longer period of time than you’d ever go without eating during the day. So our bodies are definitely ready for some replenishment. Not only that, but when we fill ourselves with natural fuel, it will always enable us to perform better through out the day. I can always tell the difference between the days when I eat breakfast and the days that I don't. As I like to study on a morning, I always notice I get more done and am more concentrated after starting my day right.

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  • Now there are so many different forms of milk you can choose from nowadays. There is always your classic cows milk, however if you’re like me, I usually prefer a plant based one.

    On a daily basis I switch between Oat milk and Almond. Both equally creamy and delicious.

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  • For this specific breakfast, it’s all about different textures. I like to use this part to add a form of crunch. Store bought or homemade granola is usually my top choice.

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  • Fruit is something that I can never get enough of, especially when in season. For this breakfast you can use any fruit of your choosing. Pictured i’ve used raspberries, blueberries, bananas and figs.

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  • Again adding to that texture. My choice went to chia seeds, milled flaxseed, bee pollen, goji berries and flaked almonds.


15 Min Prawn Salad


Nourish Bowl: Tuna + Quinoa