15 Min Prawn Salad

Super Simple + Super Easy = Happy Eater

Best used on days when little time is available, the key ingredient here is your freezer. I always recommend buying + keeping things in the freezer to help you stay on track if life catches you out. Beans burgers, fish cakes, prawns etc are all good options as you can just pull them out and put into an oven or pan. A person ill prepared is set up for failure… meaning that if you’re trying to eat well and your day doesn’t go to plan, it may be very easy to just grab ‘something easy’ that isn’t going to benefit you… but I’m not going to let that happen!


Get a portion of frozen prawns out the freezer, place in a colander and rinse under water.

Then add to a pan, with a drizzle of oil and garlic (optional).

Whilst cooking, to a plate add fresh salad leaves (sometimes I just use a bed of spinach) and whatever veg of your choice. I tend to have a supply of avocados and tomatoes in the house at all times, as they’re easy to grab and go with most things.

Add the prawns on top and and I’ll either drizzle with lemon juice + olive oil, or balsamic vinegar (as pictured).


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