Homemade Protein Bites

This is my preferred alternative to buying boxes of bars. Containing over 5g of natural protein, I then added x2 scoops of impact whey isolate (as it’s the only one I have in the house currently) and boosted them to contain over 11g of protein

Recipe: Ingredients

  • The Base:
    75g ground almonds
    2tbsp cocoa powder
    2tbsp maple syrup
    1tbsp coconut oil
    Pinch of salt

  • PB layer:
    120g peanut butter
    3tbsp maple syrup
    1tbsp coconut oil (melted)
    Protein powder (optional)

  • The Topping:
    30g cocoa powder
    3tbsp coconut oil (melted)
    3tbsp maple syrup


  • Mix the base ingredients together, and place and press down in a lined tray or dish. Then add to the freezer whilst making the next layer.

  • Next mix your PB ingredients together, then pour over base layer and put back in the freezer.

  • Lastly, combine all the topping ingredients, and pour over the final layer. Place back in the freezer for 30 minutes to allow the bars to set.
    With a sharp knife, cut into roughly 8 squares and enjoy!

  • Best stored in a container in the freezer to keep fresh, and should last about two weeks (but they’ll definitely be finished before then).


Nourish Bowl: weekday edition


15 Min Prawn Salad