How To Start Your Running Journey

When it comes to running, for many, it’s a very love/hate relationship. And then there’s those who just completely love it and you have no idea how… like how can anybody love running that much?!

Running has many health benefits, just like performing any form of exercise does. But that’s not always what attracts us to this form of training. What attracts you is the challenge. Running, though it may seem simple, can be a very hard form of training and can be quite aggressive as a newbie. But we all have to start somewhere.

I first started running from quite a young age. Now as an adult, this has massively benefited me, as my body has grown with running as part of its development. So generally speaking - as my body has changed, its adapted to my varying fitness levels and resistance to running.

This article is some of my best advice, based on my journey and experiences for new runners, or someone looking into starting.

Before You Begin

Be clear, Be confident and Don’t overthink it.

  1. Decide on the reason and stick to it - use it to set a goal and keep you motivated.

  2. Don’t worry about opinions. To some your reasons may seem unimportant, but if they mean something to you, that’s all that truly matters.

  3. Don’t think just do! Don’t give your mind enough time to talk you out of it.

What You’ll Need

Good shoes, clothes, a planned route and a positive attitude.

1 —

Good shoes

Trainers! Above all else, this could be potentially one of the most important steps. Now everyone’s different. Some of us need a little more support /stability, others like to feel like they're running on clouds, and some just need a spring in their step.

I’ve done running in the cheap trainers, and I’ve done running in the wrong trainers (even expensive trainers can still be wrong). As I have a history with running, I am more aware of how my body moves, what ‘hurts’, and what level of ‘support’ I need in order to achieve my best run.

As a new starter, you don’t always have this kind of information, so the internet is your best friend! When I come to needing a new pair of kicks, I'll spend a Saturday morning with coffee in hand looking at different reviews, different prices and even some YT videos. There’s just so much out there! And most reviews are based on what kind of ‘runner’ you are which is beyond helpful.

Your next best option is the high street. Quite often if I’ve seen something online, but I want to try them, I’ll see if they’re available in any shops and go try them out, giving me a chance to feel them out and decide if they’re fit for purpose.

2 —

Morning or night person?

This can be quite an important factor. Depending on whether you’re an early riser or night owl, how your body progresses through the day is something to think about. At what points do you have more energy? Past what time does the day start to take its toll? For example, if you’re more of a morning person, but you put your run off till later on in the afternoon/evening (when you’ve been through more and are now more tired), are you going to get the most out of that run as supposed to the run you could’ve smashed in the morning (when your energy was at peak)?

3 —

Wear clothes that fit

  • We all like to look good, even when exercising. However, sometimes prioritising practicality is more important. In any form of training, when you’re working your hardest to try achieve your goals, the last thing you want is to be worrying about things being too tight, loose, or just generally feeling uncomfortable.

4 —

Don’t over do it (especially in the beginning)

  • Mark out your route and distance in advance, whether it’s 10k, 5k, or 1k.

  • As a beginner, don’t worry so much about setting a time limit. First find how long it takes you to run a chosen distance, then look at how you can make improvements if there is a goal to achieve.

  • As a beginner, a good strategy is to set your route, and then do an On /Off pattern. See how long you can run for, even if it’s only 5 minutes. But then start to walk for 5 minutes. And continues to alternate between 5 on 5 off. Then every week, the key is to try add on 5. So try running for 10 mins, then 15, and before you know it you’ll achieve 20 minutes and the distance to go with it!

5 —

Music listener or mental thinker?

  • For many people, running is known as a healthy form of mental therapy. It sets aside time from a busy and loud working day, and gives chance for some free head-space, time for mental/emotional processing, and is also a healthy outlet for frustration.

  • Running can be a good form of self-therapy for people struggling with depression, anxiety, and generally over-active minds. On days that I can’t really face doing anything, you’ll often catch me “running it out” until I’ve burnt off what was tugging at me.

  • Now, on the other hand, I love nothing more than sticking some music on and making myself feel 100%! To me, music is therapy. It can be calming, exciting and can turn you from an innocent girl to a bad ass b in no time.

  • When it comes to picking the right running tunes, try pick beats that will match your pace. I aim for 2 ‘beat types’. 1 for when I really want to be on it when time is a priority, and the 2nd for when I’m needing a ‘rest’ but don’t want to be stopping.

6 —

Pre running fuel

  • In order to get most out of your run, you first need to have enough energy to help aid your body. You can’t run a car on an empty tank - this is no different. Though there are proven benefits to things such as ‘fasted cardio’, right now we’re just focusing on the basics.

  • Consuming a light snack or meal up to 30-60mins before going out for a run will fill you with enough energy and help you go the distance.

  • Things like banana + peanut butter (on their own or on toast)

  • Fruit + yogurt

  • Turkey + salad wrap

  • Mixed veg + houmous

  • Carb crusher smoothie (key ingredients being frozen banana and oats). All these things are good examples of ‘light’ pre exercise fuel.


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