The Best Porridge Ever


… whilst to some, this may not be the best porridge ever in the world… to us this combo has proven pretty special. Sweet, tangy, creamy and warm. What more could you ask for when starting your day?


  • Porridge oats

  • Cinnamon

  • Maple syrup

  • Milk (I use Oat or Almond)

  • Natural yogurt

  • Fresh Nectarine


  • Add porridge oats to a pan, along with cinnamon, milk and maple syrup.

  • Bring up to temperature until steamy, then stir till a thick and creamy consistency is reached.

  • Add to a bowl and top with fresh nectarine, yogurt and a final drizzle of maple syrup.

Super simple + super easy… and super delicious! Try this recipe out next time you want to spruce up your morning porridge.


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