The Daily Practice’s That Help Ease Anxiety



  • Sit up straight, put your feet on the floor, and focus on your breathing.

  • Describe in detail 5 things you see around you. Go into as much or as little detail as you desire.


  • Say the following things to yourself, out loud and repeat:

  • I am safe. I am not in danger. A panic attack cannot hurt me. I am breathing in enough air. I am beginning to calm down. I am going to be okay.


  • Essential oils are a huge part of anxiety coping. Some known favourites are:

  • Lavender, copaiba, cedarwood, frankincense, eucalyptus, lemon balm.


  • Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes.

  • Breath in through your nose and imagine breathing in a calming colour, such as light blue.

  • Exhale through your mouth, imagine your anxiety exiting your body through a colour, such as red.

  • Repeat.


  • Go outside. As much as you don’t want to, just go.

  • Sit or stand and breath in the fresh air.

  • Look at the stars or the clouds and focus on them.

  • Feel the warmth or coolness on your skin and relax.


  • If you’re able, take a shower. This sounds trivial, but it’s one of my favourite ways to come down from anxiety.

  • As you let the water wash over you and drain away, let everything that’s nagging at you drain away with it.

Be clear, Be confident and Don’t overthink it.


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Teriyaki Veg + Lentil Stir-fry