Tortilla Pizza


Pizza lovers say no more… having your cheesy slice and eating it has never felt (or tasted) so good!

When it comes to balanced living, we don’t always want to give up our favourite things, however we also don’t always want the added extra’s.

I’m all about eating well, but I also just love good food. And when I say good, I mean the kind that makes your insides happy to be eating it.

During the week, it’s always harder to find that spare time. If meal prep isn’t your thing, but you still need something that’s stress free and quick, this meal Inspo is definitely for you!


Flour Tortilla

Tomato Sauce / Purée

Fave Toppings:

*Pictured I did 1 with salami + mushroom, and the 2nd I did with ham + mushroom as thats what I had in the house.

Grated Cheese


Pre heat the oven / grill

Place the tortilla flat on a board / surface

Spread some tomato sauce over the top (not too much)

Add toppings

Add cheese

Place in the over / under the grill for a couple of minutes until cheese is melted and golden

*be sure to keep an eye on it so the top doesn’t burn.

Then slice and enjoy. I love adding hot sauce on mine as I like the spicy kick.

This is so easy to do, and you can literally put anything you want on. I was running low on supplies, but usually I’d be adding thinly sliced courgette, peppers, onions etc.

For those wanting to eat well and not disturb your physical progress, give this meal Inspo a try!


Very Berry Smoothie


Daily Flow