Unhealthy vs Healthy - exercise habits


Intuitive Movement |

“When we exercise for reasons other than appearance, it becomes a habit that is neither extreme nor punishing. It’s truly enjoyable and we reap the mental, physical and emotional benefits of moderate, regular activity.”

My body has changed in so many ways since starting my journey, intentionally and unintentionally…

There were times that I wanted to change it so desperately… that I hated it. But deep down, it was never about my physical appearance, it was my desire to be loved. Accepted. My need to be wanted for something and the pressure to be seen. Once I began taking better care of my mind, the way I viewed my body changed. I’ve learned that my worth, how much I am loved and accepted, who I am, has nothing to do with the size or shape of my body.

When trying to live this ‘healthy’ lifestyle and feeling like there’s no improvement, you sometimes have to stop and ask yourself… why? Why am I doing it? Who am I actually doing it for? What am I trying to achieve? Why am I not seeing any results?

The answers to these questions may be hidden within the list directly below. Now the lists below are not the ‘final word’, but they are here to help hold us accountable for our actions. If we constantly find ourselves going round in a negative circle, no improvement will ever be made, as all we are offering ourselves is a constant spiral.

However, when looking at these unhealthy habits with a more positive perspective, you’ll find that your constant spiral will start to flatten out. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. Instead of constantly working out to burn calories, try working out to just feel good. The release of pressure you get from turning the HAVING to do something and creating a WANTING to do something is unmatched.

If you’ve been struggling with feeling unmotivated recently, take yourself through these two lists. Spend a week replacing and practising more positive habits and see what happens.

Imperfection is perfection to a beautiful perspective.

Unhealthy + Negative habits:

  1. Exercising to ‘burn’ calories

  2. Exercising to lose weight

  3. Exercising to ‘sculpt’ your body

  4. Believing you must exercise at the gym

  5. Doing exercise you don’t enjoy

  6. Exercising so much you feel ill

  7. Believing you’re too fat to exercise

  8. Feeling guilty when you take a rest day

  9. Exercising a body part with an injury

Healthy + Positive habits:

  1. Exercising to feel good physically

  2. Exercising to feel good mentally

  3. Exercising to feel good emotionally

  4. Moving in ways other than formal exercise

  5. Moving your body in ways you truly enjoy

  6. Separating your appearance from exercise

  7. Rejecting mainstream fitness culture

  8. Taking time off for rest and recovery

  9. Appreciating all that your body can do


10 Minute Reset


Release To Gain More