Welcome to Mental Wellness


Mental Wellness + Mental Health

“If I could say anything to you all today it would be this... Live your life in joy!! True joy. Embrace those small moments that are quite simply joyful and cling to them. Life is hard, we all have a battle to face, but if we do so seeking out the joyful moments you will ingrain them in your life instead of the more negative ones”.

 Find. Those. Moments. Of. Peace. 

Prayer, Meditation, standing in the sunshine, walking where it’s quiet. Noting gratitude and giving time for thankfulness. 

What do Diets and Mental wellness have in common? They both feed our bodies. Just like the foods we eat will determine our bodily health, the environments we allow ourselves to live in and be apart of will determine our mental health. The people you follow on social media, the people in your life, the things you read and watch, the situations you allow or put yourself in; these all have a massive part to play in your mental wellbeing. 

For the majority, the brain is one of the most worked Muscles in the body, as it is always switched on. Through anxiety, overthinking, constant processing of information, hyper activeness and even depression. Having a constant mind can be very draining for any person of any age. 

So let’s fix it. 

Self development is a continuous journey of trial and error. The process will test your strengths, reveal your weaknesses, and empower you to put yourself (finally) first. Keep going, no matter what. Dive deep into answering the questions that you refuse to, no matter how much the answer hurts. Be honest, be open, and be less critical of yourself. You deserve respect and understanding (even from yourself) in the process of self discovery.

Maybe this year started with the mindset that things would be different, you’d finally reach your goals, and it would be ‘your’ year… where you push past your limiting beliefs, create meaningful relationships, be apart of needed change, and finally believe that your voice matters. Maybe this is the year of major growth for us all.

Whilst making this better lifestyle change, be sure to live a life that brings warmth to your soul but also drives you crazy at times. Living isn’t about a ‘perfect life’ where nothing happens. Living is when you experience all that you can, the good and the bad. Living is about giving it your all, in love and experience, when you break free from fear. So learn to live. Because there’s so much more to this life than the screen you’re reading this on.

Today, I hope this reminder serves you well - to help you know that we are all going through these different stages of life. And even though we will forever be at different stages, there will forever be a constant of us going through it together… This amazing journey of self-discovery and growth.


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