Daily Supplements


Supplements — Benefits — What I use…

Vitamins + Minerals are the very spark plugs your body needs for life. For some, if your diet is deficient in vitamins and/or minerals, different forms of ‘ill health’ is likely to be a result. Here we’re going to take a little look into why we have supplements, the benefits that can come with taking them, and if they’re necessary for daily life.

Are supplements necessary — do I need them?

In short, no. As long as you are consuming a balanced diet , there should be no deficiencies requiring a supplement. Unless a specific deficiency is identified, a supplement is usually not necessary if you eat and exercise properly. The appropriate use of supplements can help you avoid side effects and toxicities associated with overuse. Dietary supplements are best used to ensure you're getting an adequate intake of specific nutrients—some quality multivitamins will do the job nicely. However, everyone is different, and some people do benefit from taking extra supplements, especially those with known deficiencies or health conditions. There are times when specific supplements are used to help treat specific health issues, like taking calcium and vitamin D for osteoporosis or Iron for anemia.

(If you think you may be experiencing side effects of a deficiency, it is best to speak to a health professional. Do not diagnose yourself.)

Benefits of supplement taking —

Benefits of supplement taking, as well as being good for general health, more come down to convenience for the average busy body. Although you could be trying your best to make good nutrition a priority, it’s recognised that sometimes it can be hard to fit it all in - and eating salads for breakfast, lunch and dinner is definitely not something we want to be doing… ever!

Using the example of taking a multivitamin:

It is clear that a multivitamin supplement has the ability to increase our wellness whilst living busy lives. Calcium and Vitamin D are proven to aid in bone health, Vitamin D also supports in healthy bowl function and may prevent bowl cancer and many chronic conditions. Folic Acid is proven to reduce birth defects and has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, bowl cancer and other cancers including breast cancer. B Vitamins are proven to increase energy and aid in neurological functions, whilst Magnesium is proven to relax the body. Antioxidants are proven to prevent certain cancers, and both Vitamin C and Zinc are proven to increase immune function. These are just a few of the benefits a multivitamin has to offer and for the seconds it takes out of your day to take a multivit, I’d say it was worth it!

What I take as a Nutrition student as part of my daily routine —

As part of my daily routine, I take a good quality multivitamin (for general health), Iron (as my levels were too low), Vitamin B-complex ( as vitamin B are water-soluble vitamins, with my personal lifestyle choices, my levels were again too low), and lastly I take Vitamin C + Zinc (vitamin C for better iron absorption and zinc for immune health).

NOTE: Please be aware, what I take is completely individual to my specific needs. Though what I specifically take will not necessarily cause harm to other users, it is a possibility that they may not be beneficial and/or needed for other individuals use.


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