Natural Freedom


Natural Freedom

“Step out of your box and into the open”

When first reading this title, one of your first questions is probably going to be, “what’s my ‘box’?”… Your ‘box’ is your comfort in something or someone. It can be an emotional or physical barrier. It’s the four walls that you allow to hold you captive.

Whats’s important to note here, is that we all have boxes. Some of us have to live with multiple ones, constantly piled up and having to drag them around wherever we go.

So how do we get out of our box?

I’ll be straight from the start, it isn’t always going to be easy. If you’ve been carrying it around for a long period of time, you’ll find a dependancy on its four walls has developed making it all the harder to step out into the big open. Parts of you are written in the walls. This is the ‘skin’ you must shed and let go of.

Start slow. There’s no rush, and this definitely isn’t a race.

Over the past 2 years, I’ve seen so many people step out of their boxes and into the open… including myself.

It’s been a beautiful thing to witness.

Being in the fitness industry, like so many, I often found myself feeling trapped. Feeling emotional pressure to constantly ‘perform’, whilst feeling more and more enclosed by the walls surrounding. Over the last 2 years, with gyms being open and closed, I had to learn to step out of my comfort zone and into the open as that was all that was available to me. And when I say ‘open’, I literally mean the open air. The great outdoors. I re-discovered a love for the countryside that I’d had as a child, but lost a little transitioning into adulthood. Running, walking, hiking and swimming in open waters. All things you can do in a gym, yes… but all these things are completely different experiences when you allow yourself to be free of those walls. I re-earthed myself, letting the natural energy recharge me in ways chilling in front of the TV never could.

Stepping outside of the gym was one of my boxes (for some, stepping in can be just as scary), but through a loved one, she helped me step out. I’m no longer controlled by the walls, but instead have become the one in control.

Here’s a list of common boxes:

  • Fear to try something new

  • Exercising outside

  • Exercising in a gym

  • Trying somewhere new to eat

  • Trying to eat a fear food

  • Fear to wear something new

  • Starting a new job

  • Going to uni

  • Meeting new people

  • Going to school

  • Breaking routine

  • Going to the shops

  • Driving

  • Riding a bike

  • Disappointing or letting people down

  • OCD or Perfectionism

Different people carry different things, ‘big’ or ‘small’ we all feels things uniquely. Often a box is created out of a form of anxiety. We make it at first to protect ourselves. To feel ‘safe’. However, when we stay in it too long, we allow it to take over, and we become controlled by our own minds.

The key to starting is by finding little things that will help you take small steps. Or, if you’re feeling brave enough, find something that will put you in a position to jump right in. On the other hand, you can ask someone to help and support you. You may know someone in a similar position. Use this moment to help each other grow.

~ My beautiful friend, I hope you live wild and free. I hope you do all the things you dream of doing. I hope you travel everywhere you dream of going and taste all of the foods you dream of tasting… I hope you let yourself be completely and wildly yourself, without worrying about what others will think, and free yourself from others expectations and criticisms because they’ll never know of all of the magic and dreams within your heart. I hope you trust yourself as the oceans do the moon, and let yourself shine as the night sky does the stars. I hope you always have faith in yourself as the flowers do the sun… I hope you live wild and free, my beautiful and brave friend. ~

- This last passage is inspired by the beautiful ~ Nikki Banas




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